Sunday, March 24, 2019

Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen in HELP!

I grew up loving (among other things) comic books and movies and thus I love it when the two cross over. Keep in mind that I am from an era when there wasn't a new multi-million-dollar flick based on a comic book coming to theaters every other month. I'm especially a fan of spotting real-world comic books that are in movies just incidentally. You can see my recent post of a photo from Cape Fear (1991) for example.

The other day I was watching Richard Lester's HELP! from 1965 which, if you didn't know, stars The Beatles. Within the film, they all share a giant house full of, shall we say, "eccentric amenities" catered to each Beatle (think Pee-wee's Playhouse meets any really swinging pad of that era's James Bond movies).
Paul McCartney's portion of the house features a door to a lower level from which an organ rises on a platform through the floor.

What I noticed this time was that instead of sheet music, Paul is reading comics! They mostly seem to be issues of Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen, with a Superman and maybe an Archie mixed in as well?

Nice choice, Paul! Were I ever able, I would have this exact setup in my home as well.

Thursday, March 14, 2019


Howdy, all! Welcome to another installment of Everything Old is New Again, where I keep you abreast of movies (and in this instance also a few TV shows) coming down the Hollywoo pipeline that are either remakes of-, long-gap sequels to- or adapted from some pre-existing intellectual property.

For those who don't know, the way this column works is: I watch all the available trailers and preview footage of stuff coming up in March & April, then I do a little research into its source material. Just enough to give me an idea of what I'm supposed to be seeing, but I primarily go by what the trailers show me. Trailers can be misleading, of course, but having grown up loving movies, I like to think I have a decent instinct for these things.

Every other month, Moviejawn lets me do this column (thank you!) and every single time I'm surprised by how many films there are to cover. Some look good, some aren't for me and some...I just don't know. Check 'em out below, see what you think:

Friday, March 1, 2019