Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Twenty Nineteen in Film

Howdy. Every year (since way back in 2017) I've kept track of how many of that year's films I've watched within the year. For instance, in 2017 I watched 47 films released in 2017. Make sense? In 2018, I logged 68 which is a lot and I still managed to top it. In 2019 I saw 70 films of the year!

The list below is just all of them, ranked from my favorite to my least-favorite based entirely on my own internal, arcane criteria including things like rewatchability, originality, novelty, overall quality, creative voice and the possibility of bonus points for including things I personally enjoy. It is entirely subjective.

I encourage you to make your own list and drop me a link in the comments. I'll happily read it!

Friday, December 20, 2019

"MOTHER LEGS" by Ty Greenwood

Written by Ty Greenwood
Published by HellBound Books

Book review by Hunter Bush

I hate spiders, gang. I don't have any specific genesis moment for this aversion. I'm fairly sure it started before I ever saw Arachnophobia (1990) but that... didn't help. As I've grown I've gotten used to them somewhat - and as a taller person I'm frequently the one tasked to capture them - but I've also learned quite a lot about them. Perhaps it's the same impulse that draws me to horror as a genre, that innate desire to approach what scares me, or maybe it's as simple as a desire to know my enemy? Regardless, I've read a lot about spiders. For instance, did you know that Philadelphia, where I live, is the only place you can find the Pennsylvania purseweb spider? To be fair, this information also falls into the category of "Interesting Philadelphia Trivia" which is another big one for me, but my point remains: I know from spiders. And one thing I can tell you is - spiders do not blink.