Monday, February 25, 2019

Jack Skellington in RUMBLE IN THE BRONX

I was rewatching the Jackie Chan-sterpiece RUMBLE IN THE BRONX (1995) and at one point there's a shot of the street featuring a very familiar face.

That's a Mylar balloon of Jack Skellington from THE NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHRISTMAS (1993)! I love little stuff like that.

Thursday, February 21, 2019


By: Hunter Bush
For: Moviejawn

Donnybrook is like standing around a parking lot after the bar closes, watching everybody make bad decisions. Like listening to two blowhards talk about how they're gonna fight each other, but the logic only kind of makes sense and then when they do, finally, throw hands, it's over in ten seconds. And just as everyone is dispersing, you see that one of them had secretly been carrying a crowbar with the phrase "SOCIAL COMMENTARY" written on it.

"Hm..." you think to yourself, "I don't know if that would've been better if they'd utilized this secret weapon or not but it sure couldn't have hurt."

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Blackbolt & Captain Marvel in CAPE FEAR

It's less of a capital T- Thing nowadays but I grew up in an era where comics didn't have the widespread pop-cultural appeal they do now. So whenever I see references to real comic books or comic characters in movies, but especially respected, not-for-kids movies, I pop (to use the wrestling terminology). Basically the forever-pre-teen version of myself that lives in my head sees a comic reference and yells "Aw, sweet!"

So that just happened again the other day, re-watching Cape Fear (1991) when I spotted these in Max Cady's (Robert De Niro's) prison cell collage:

Friday, February 15, 2019

Happy Birthday to Me (36)

Oh, hello. I didn't see you there. No it's fine, really, please stay. Y'see, I'm turning 36 today and while I'm not having a big, capital P "Party" I am gonna have breakfast for dinner, take it easy and hang out with a few good friends, family and roommates. But while I'm doing that, I've actually got some presents for you!

I know that might seem a little non-traditional, but hey, I'm a non-traditional guy. I mean, I'm eating breakfast... for dinner! Pretty unconventional, I'd say! Innovative, even!

I love, live and breathe movies; I even write about them for MOVIEJAWN, so I thought they'd be a fun thing to focus on. So, since I'm turning 36 and all, here they are, my gifts to you: 36 film-centric facts about yours truly.

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Hidden Gacy

Do y'all know about "Hidden Mickeys"? Well I found a sort of "Hidden Gacy" in Terminator Salvation today.

I dunno if this is, like, a well-known thing or whatever, but I'd never heard of it and I noticed it and thought I'd post the pic I took of it: